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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Last Week's Goals were lost due to a technical issue with the Wiki page.


J-Mag reports that we didn't eat out.

Jonathan put the new registration on the car.


Andromeda complains that she can't watch a movie because Kiyoshi's being a jerk.

Iker complains that Andromeda is complaining too much and that Kiyoshi is scaring her.

J-Mag complains that Tweedledum still doesn't work.

Kiyoshi complains that people don't make ramen in the microwave properly and they're not cleaning up after themselves.

Kiyoshi complains that there are no paper towels.

T-Bob reports that Andromeda is being a jerk and is yelling because she's angry about not being able to watch her movie.

Andromeda reports that her computer doesn't work and so she has to watch TV and T-Bob's always watching TV.


Jonathan will clean the microwave.

T-Bob will get 100 on his fast facts.

Andromeda will clean her room before school starts.

Iker will get 100 on her mad minute.

Calendar Items

Andromeda has detention on Tuesday because she was late to class.

Jonathan meets with his personal trainer Monday and Friday.

J-Mag has a "well woman" exam on Tuesday morning.

J-Mag goes to the dentist on Wednesday morning.

Iker reports that school starts Tuesday.

T-Bob reports that there's no school Monday.

J-Mag reports that OSU and LSU play tomorrow for the college football championship.

Family Rules

It was proposed to change the family meeting time to noon on Sundays which failed to pass due to lack of votes.

Family Activity

Iker suggests getting dinner from Sicily Pizza and Pasta.

Andromeda suggests eating a family meal once this week.


-- JonathanGuthrie - 06 Jan 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-06 - JonathanGuthrie
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