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Jonathan ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will help Jonathan find Kerry's address to send to Kelly.

Jonathan will do stuff to that end, too.

Iker will water her rose twice this week.

Jonathan will work on the library.

Jonathan will do something about the clothes dryer in the garage.


T-Bob went to school one day this week after being out due to illness and injury.

T-Bob got 100% on his mad minute Friday.

Iker got here for the family meeting.


Andromeda would like a ceiling fan in her bedroom.

Kiyoshi needs a new computer case because his side panels are missing.

Andromeda would like some from Iker help cleaning their room.

T-Bob complains that someone made him lose his watch.


Jonathan will do something about the clothes dryer in the garage.

T-Bob will go to Kroger with Jonathan to get stuff.

Jonathan will investigate ceiling fans for the computer room and the girls' room.

Iker will water her rose twice.

Calendar Items

Sunday is Mother's day.

Awards ceremony for Andromeda tomorrow.

Golbow Elementary field day Tuesday and Wednesday.

Golbow Elementary voting for stuff on Monday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

J-Mag's choice for out to eat on Mother's day.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 06 May 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-05-06 - JonathanGuthrie
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