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J-Mag ran the meeting

J-Mag, T-Bob, Iker and Jonathan attended.

Last Week's Goals

J-Mag will work -- yup

Jonathan will do 3 more sessions -- nope

Jonathan will send a bunch of ApolloCon e-mails -- yup


Robert's mattress got moved.

Jonathan helped at AggieCon


The card for the downstairs TV is missing.

Doorknob for T-Bob

Food for workers

Need to buy juice for T-Bob


J-Mag will do 2009 taxes

Jonathan will return the ApolloCon stuff

Calendar Items

J-Mag sees the endodontist tomorrow

T-Bob's Valentines party is the 12th

Jonathan & J-Mag's anniversary tomorrow


Family Activity

Heritage Society

Questions & Announcements & Jokes


$1 T-Bob

$5 Iker

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Topic revision: r2 - 2010-02-07 - JMagGuthrie
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