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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Get people back into the rhythm of going back to school.

Jonathan will finish a rocket!

On Tuesday, T-Bob will be happy to go back to school.


Andy got out of art class and back into English.

Pepito came home safe.

T-Bob got all A'a and B's on his report card.

T-Bob got 3 E's (and an S) on his conduct.

Iker got her hair cut.

We got a Game Fly account and our first games.


Kiyoshi cleaned the living room on Thursday and it's dirty again.

Iker wasted a bunch of Andy's shampoo and conditioner.

Kiyoshi put Andy's clean clothes on the floor.

T-Bob thinks that his bedtime is too early on Wednesday and Saturday.

Iker thinks that her bedtime is too early on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Andy thinks that Iker and T-Bob should have an earlier bed time so that she might have an easier time getting to sleep.

Andy wants Converse shoes.

Jonathan is bothered because Andy leaves partially-empty coke bottles in her room.

Andy complains that Jonathan forgot that he's going to buy her Converse shoes.


Jonathan will buy Andy new Converse shoes in the first quarter of 2006.

Andy, Jonathan, and J-Mag will discuss Andy's schedule (medication and homework) after the expedition to the convenience store.

Calendar Items

Payday is Friday.

Andy will be out of debt on Monday.

(Iker) Monday is dragon new year.

Family Rules

Game cube policy is a moderate success.

Family Activity

Family activity will be improvised next Saturday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 08 Jan 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-01-08 - JonathanGuthrie
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