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J-Mag is facilitating

Everyone present.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will send a check to get pool tags (yes)

Iker needs to find something to do (yes)


Jonathan has wedding clothes

So do other people

New laptop

Andy participated in a commencement


Jonathan says the internet is non-functional

Jonathan burned his fingers on the mower

Kiyoshi says Andy's sound card isn't working

T-Bob needs a haircut

J-Mag raised the issue of allowances in the summer

Andy says she owes a lot of money

Robert says he's sunburned.

J-Mag banged the van


T-Bob wants to heal his sunburn.

J-Mag and Iker want the internet to be working

Calendar Items

ApolloCon meeting on Saturday

Fathers day on Sunday

ApolloCon in three weeks

Tuesday pick up Kiyoshi's and T-Bob's suits

Sunday Jonathan picks up his suit.

Family Rules

J-Mag proposes two hour/day swimming limit.

Discussion: Iker says I hate it.

Vote: Passes 2-0

Family Activity



Jonathan asks who has access to ariadne J-Mag says it's okay for other people to have access

Robert wants to know if we can go to Mary Jo Peckham J-Mag say no

-- JMagGuthrie - 08 Jun 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-06-08 - JMagGuthrie
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