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Hurricane Preparedness Kit Contents

Food and Food Preparation

  1. shelf-stable food for seven days for each person in the household (84 MRE's at 12 per case)
  2. ice for perishables (20-30 pounds? How to get? Make?)
  3. coolers for the (Bruce? What else? Another Bruce? Other ones the size of the red cooler? What?)
  4. bunch (25 pounds?) of charcoal in a dry place (perhaps a "red cooler" or a styrofoam one)
  5. matches, lighters, or fire-starting stuff
  6. newspaper for the chimney starter
  7. foil, plastic wrap, etc


  1. Storage for drinking water. One gallon per person per day for seven days. (9x5-gallon collapsible plastic containers)
  2. three to six twelve packs of canned beverages in addition

Dealing with Power Failure

  1. 50 12-hour glow sticks of various colors
  2. 6kVA diesel generator
  3. 36 hours worth of fuel for the generator
  4. three or four flashlights
  5. three or four changes of batteries for each flashlight that needs them


  1. Decks of cards
  2. Board Games
  3. battery-operated broadcast radio
  4. ham radio stuff

-- JonathanGuthrie - 26 Sep 2008

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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-03-10 - JMagGuthrie
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