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To my tumor

I want you out of my life.
Like a divorce — only forever and a day.
They didn’t make words with enough force
To eject you into the nethers of beyond
But if they did, I’d excavate each one
And apply them here

No, worse than that…
Things that can’t be imagined
The kinds of things that nightmares have nightmares of
(if they did, which they should)
I don’t want you to simply dry up and blow away
I want you goner than that

I want to reach into the depths of prehistory
And erase your timeline
Starting forever before the Big Bang
So that you aren’t now, never were
And will never be
For every ever.
-- JMag Guthrie - 2018-01-09

Topic revision: r1 - 2018-01-09 - JMagGuthrie
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