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work in progres -- untitled

I once had a tumor on my parathyroid
it grew undetected for many a year
My symptoms were varied and seemed unrelated
Until its removal made them disappear

fatigue and depression, bad heartburn and headaches
insomnia, plantar's fascitis and more
a lack of libido and poor concentration
So many things that I couldnt' ignore

Each symptom was treated by my family doctor
It didn't much matter, improvement was slight
He ordered more bloodwork until he discovered
That my parathyroid was not acting right

But drugs wouldn't fix it, they'd have to remove it
I had to have surgery -- I had no choice
The tumor was nestled right next to my larynx
If something went wrong, it could damage my voice.

-- JMag Guthrie - 2018-01-09

Topic revision: r1 - 2018-01-09 - JMagGuthrie
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